داستان آبیدیک

systematic desensitization


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: حساسیت زدایی منظم

A variety of behavioral exposure treatments are introduced such as systematic desensitization. However, in cases where symptoms of SAD are more ingrained, systematic desensitization using in vivo exposure can be used to increase gradual separation from the parent. There are several techniques that can be used to achieve systematic desensitization: in vivo exposure (real life), imagined exposure, "live" modeling and vicarious modeling. Unlike the progressive exposure of the systematic desensitization technique, flooding, is a technique which thrusts the child immediately into the fear producing situation. However, success has been noted in studies using behavioral methods, such as shaping, systematic desensitization, and modeling (Pionek Stone, Kratochwill, Sladeczek & Serlin, 2002).

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